How To Shave Your Beard with Straight Razor


What's the best thing nigh a straight razor? Information technology can be used in any bending required, so it allows a deep and close shave. With this benefit, at that place comes a problem too. Using a direct razor at home by yourself is an intimidating chore. The bract of a straight razor is sharp enough to give you deep cuts if not used properly.

However, in that location may be times when y'all can't visit a salon and would want to get a clean shave at abode especially when in a hurry. That's when you demand to properly larn to apply a directly razor. Firstly, for this yous demand a lot of patience. Then, you lot demand to follow our step-by-step process of using a straight razor for beginners. Don't worry! Nosotros'll make your learning process equally easy equally possible. So, without any further delay, permit's bound into the perfect way of using a straight razor at dwelling house.

How to Shave with a Straight Razor?

To get a flawless shave using a straight razor, here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Wash your face with lukewarm water

Wash your face with lukewarm water

Washing your face with hot water or taking a warm shower helps to open upwardly the pores of your skin. This makes the shaving process much easier. Also, your beard softens when it touches hot water, then you can shave the beard with much ease.

Withal, when you are stuck in a decorated schedule and want to wrap upwards the shaving in minutes, you tin utilise a towel dipped in hot h2o to clean your face.

2. Apply a pre-shaving oil

Apply a pre-shaving oil

To soften your whisker even more, yous must use a pre-shave oil having ingredients like jojoba oil, coconut or olive oil, which are proven to moisturize your skin. Take five to vi drops of this oil and gently apply it all over your beard, making sure it touches the peel beneath. Leave the oil on the beard for a few minutes.

3. Clean your Shaving Brush with Hot Water

Clean your shaving brush with hot water

Before you start using your shaving brush, information technology is e'er a skilful practise to soften the beard. For this, dip your brush in a bowl of hot water and leave it aside for a few minutes.

Points to remember:

  • Always purchase a shaving castor containing badger hair. Practice non go for constructed brushes equally they are non only cheap but as well become hard in the long run.
  • Y'all can ever utilize your shaving cream to the face using your fingers, merely if you employ using the shaving brush, the process is much easier.

4. Apply Shaving Foam

Apply Shaving Cream

Go for a natural shaving cream containing essential oils and glycerin for ameliorate results. Accept a modest corporeality of this cream or soap and place it in the lesser of a mug.

Remember: The shaving creams that are near commonly advertised and marketed are not of high-quality.

5. Plough the cream into soap

Turn the cream into lather

Take the clammy brush from the hot water bowl and and so milkshake it well in the mug containing water and shaving foam. A thick lather is formed. The more yous stir the thicker the lather volition be.

vi. Brush the lather onto your beard

Brush the lather onto your beard

Once the sufficient lather is formed, take your shaving brush and pick up this lather. Apply this lather to your whisker in circular movements across all the areas that need to be shaved. Make sure every hair strand is covered with this shaving cream. Utilise the shaving castor to shine out any lather peaks.

The Shaving Procedure:

This department provides the steps that assistance in obtaining a clean shave. The post-obit are the different steps that need to exist followed:

1. Grip the metallic connecting to the handle between the pollex and the three fingers

Place the thumb under the blade on the slice of metal connecting to the handle unremarkably termed every bit "the shank". The index, ring, and middle fingers must be placed on the opposite side of the shank. Finally, place the little finger on the pocket-sized slice of metallic present on the exterior of the handle.

ii. Concord the blade at thirty-degrees against the pare

The straight razor has sharp blades. Information technology is designed in such a way that it gives a make clean shave when held at a certain angle. And so, never concord it flat on your skin or point it directly towards the skin. Make it a do to hold it at an inclination of 30-degrees. The easiest mode to remember this is to hold it in a position where the abrupt function is facing downward on your skin.

3. Use your other hand to stretch the peel

Begin with one side of the face. Employ the free hand to pull upwards the peel to make information technology flatter and smoother. Repeat this for every surface area that needs to exist shaved, since information technology aids in providing a smoother shave with fewer nicks.

4. Shave with the grain on the sides of the confront

While belongings the razor at a 30-degrees angle, start shaving from the peak of your cheek. Every bit the hair growth is in the downward management on your cheeks, stroke the razor in the downwards direction and in a smoothen motion. Once i stroke is over, rinse the razor and repeat the same process on the other side of the face up too.

Think: If you lot are a beginner, your peel is more prone to injuries and cuts. But, don't panic! If your skin starts bleeding, press the place with your finger for a few seconds and and so apply styptic pulverization on the cut.

five. Shave the chin and the upper lip

Once you are done with shaving the sides, the next thing is to shave the chin and your upper lip. Keep in listen that the chin area is the most sensitive part and you need to exist careful while shaving it. Using a directly razor, give gentle strokes keeping your lips tightly sealed.

six. Shave nether the jaw and downward the neck

The rest of the confront is shaved in the same technique every bit the sides. Tilt the caput back, employ the free manus to pull up the jaw, and stroke downwards to become the area shaved under the jaw. Once the jaw expanse is cleaned, move downwards towards the neck.

7. Lather upwardly and repeat the procedure

Wash off the face and lather upward equally before. This fourth dimension, the process needs to be performed from side to side. A more gentle press needs to be applied than the showtime time. Go on from the ears to the center of the face and do not forget to rinse the blade post each stroke.

eight. Lather again and echo the process 1 concluding fourth dimension

Rinse your confront first and then create the lather again using the shaving cream and hot water. In this final shaving procedure, you lot get the closest shave and even the smallest hair follicle is removed. This time, start shaving from your neck part and so accomplish the face up. Make sure you handle your skin with proper intendance even during this final shave.

9. Rinse your face with cold water

After the shaving process is done, it'south time for you to close the pores of your face. So, wash your confront with common cold h2o. Once the cleaning is done, apply an after-shave foam or gel to prevent any skin irritations and to keep it moisturized.

10. Dry the Razor

Your razor blades are prone to rusting if the moisture is left on it for long. So, after the shaving procedure is done, wipe it with a tissue paper or a dry cloth. If you know that you are not going to utilize the razor for a long fourth dimension, encompass your blade with camellia oil.

Benefits of Shaving with a Straight Razor:

Here are some of the benefits of using a straight razor for shaving instead of the electric ones or other methods:

1. Smooth shaves every fourth dimension

We guarantee you that with the directly razor, the first shave you do will requite you the smoothest skin, yous never thought you lot had. Fifty-fifty if you are a beginner or a pro, y'all are jump to go the closest and smoothest shave ever.

two. Upkeep-friendly

While starting the shaving process for the starting time time, you might incur some charges till you buy all the necessary products. But, in one case you are done purchasing everything, the only thing you volition ever accept to purchase is the shaving cream tube that also occasionally.

three. Meditative event

Directly razing is a meticulous craft that needs lots of concentration. Information technology requires you to wearisome downwardly a bit and focus more on the area and the technique you are using to shave. So, after you apply a straight razor for a few times, you volition really witness yourself inbound a calming state of mind.

4. You Go More than Confident in Life

Dealing with a directly razor is nothing curt of dealing with a weapon. And then, everytime you use information technology perfectly, you experience grateful that you are alive and good for you. This inturn boosts your conviction multifold.

How to Acuminate a Straight Razor?

The process of sharpening a razor blade involves the following steps:

1. Hang a strop on the piece of furniture

Strop is a piece of leather that is predominantly used to sharpen the razors. Hang the strops on to a solid support similar a furniture or knob of the door or drawer. Always allocate some fourth dimension to acuminate the blade post every shave as doing this non only helps in sharpening the blades but too aids to give a more comfy shave.


For between the shaves, sharpening the blades on the canvas side works well. But postal service honing information technology is always advised to use the leather side.

ii. Hold the handle of the blade confronting the far finish of the razor sharpening leather

Tightly pull the sharpening leather using ane hand till you achieve the strop's end. Make sure that the sharpened end of the blade does not point towards you during this process.

3. Roll the blade and stroke it backwards

Flip the bract over on its spine and notation that the abrupt edge never touches the strop. Repeat the procedure as above by placing the border facing towards y'all.

4. Echo stropping till the blade is smooth

About xxx strokes that are xv for each side will be helpful to smoothen the blade. Initially, movement slowly and gently. With practice, a man will be able to motion faster and stropping volition be an easier chore.

Grinding the Blade

Grinding the Blade

If the razor is slow or slightly pulls on the skin, information technology needs to be sharpened with a barber hone. The following steps will aid in blade smoothening.

1. Wipe and lubricate the whetstone

Clean the whet or ceramic rock to remove any residual debris.

Lubricate the whetstone with oil, cold water, or the shaving lather as these protect the blade from heat and particles that can damage the blade.

two. Identify the stone on an fifty-fifty surface with the rough surface on the acme

Make sure you signal the coarse side upwards and information technology volition help in giving the right amount of sharpness to the blade of your direct razor.

3. keep the razor on the edge of the whetstone closer to the user

Make certain that the sharp edge of your bract touches the edge of the whetstone. However, ensure y'all go on the pointed part away from yourself. Hold the shank of your razor with your finger tips and command the blade using the fingers of your other mitt.

iv. Sweep the blade along the whetstone

With the help of medium pressure such that the bract doesn't interruption, push the blade on the whetstone in i direction. If your blade is somewhat wider than the whetstone, then you need to sweep the bract forward as yous move it. For this, get-go sweeping from the bottom part of the blade and then accomplish the superlative.

5. Flip the razor and stroke backward

Now, shift the razor to the other side and repeat the sharpening process the aforementioned way. Make sure you don't touch the whetstone in the process. However, you lot tin set your straight razor in a way such that the sharp edge is pointed towards the user.

half-dozen. Repeat this process till the blade is sharp

Co-ordinate to our estimation, the blade becomes sharp with x strokes on each side. You tin examination its sharpness past dragging the bract on a moist fingernail. If you find that the blade doesn't stick while excavation in, it means that the process is consummate.

Once the sharpening is washed, the blade will last for half dozen to 8 weeks and so you tin can get-go the grinding process once more.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I shave my face up with a straight razor?

Straight razor works well even on sensitive skin. And so, as long equally you lot follow a proper skincare routine, you tin conveniently apply a straight razor by working with it slowly and meticulously.

two. Is shaving with a straight razor dangerous?

If y'all have gentle strokes using a straight razor, it is not that dangerous. Yet, if yous are a beginner, it is better for you to visit a salon starting time and let the barber do the task. You lot can larn the task from him and follow information technology at home if necessary.

3. Why are straight razors so precipitous?

The blade of a straight razor passes through grinding wheels to make it sharp. Afterward each grinding, the bract becomes more abrupt. Then, the blade will exist polished and a coating is added to retain the sharpness.


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